Start International Study Centre | Avis Worldwide

Consultancy Services (Education & Training)

AVIS WORLDWIDE provides consultancy services for investors or entrepreneurs interested to set up study centres in their region to run locally developed or internationally certified courses.

The Consultancy services will be provided in three phases.

  • Phase 1: Fact Finding
  • Phase 2: Consultancy
  • Phase 3: Implementation

Phase 1: Fact Finding (1 Month).

During this phase, AVIS WORLDWIDE shall establish direct communication with client and conduct site visit, if necessary to establish facts to ensure thorough understanding of management decisions, capacity assessment of current status and gaps analysis.

Phase 1 covers the following activities:

  • a. Visit by AVIS WORLDWIDE team for inaugural management kick-off meeting and site visit.
  • c. Understanding of market and demand, and competitive analysis.
  • d. Understanding of legislative issues governing the education industry.
  • e. A report will be submitted by AVIS WORLDWIDE to summarise the key findings of Phase 1.

Phase 2: Consultancy (3 Months).

Phase 2 focuses on the development of clients capacity in planning, management and conduct of education and training courses. AVIS WORLDWIDE shall provide guidance in the development of policies, procedures and processes in the following areas:

  • a. Corporate Governance and Administration Requirements. Physical Facilities and Infrastructure, Human Resource, Partnership, Information, Communication, Publicity and Feedback.
  • b. Student Management and Support Services Requirements. Student Contract, Withdrawal / Transfer and Refund, Support Services, Counselling and Advice.
  • c. Academic Requirements. Curriculum Design and Development, Curriculum Planning and Delivery, Student Selection and Admission, Monitoring of Learning and Student Development, Student Tracking, Student Assessment, and Selection of Faculty Staff.
  • d. Quality Assurance. Monitoring and Results. Measurement and Analysis, Internal Assessment and Review, Management Review, and Continual Improvement.

Phase 3: Implementation

AVIS WORLDWIDE provides the following deliverables with respect to the courses to be offered:

  • a. Provide curriculum and teaching materials.
  • b. Provide examination and assessment criteria.
  • c. Provide tie up with international awarding bodies, if required.
  • d. Provide AVIS WORLDWIDE teaching faculty to conduct one (1) pilot course (optional).
  • e. Conduct one (1) Training of Trainer course (2-weeks) for clients teaching faculty (up to 15 instructors) (optional).
  • f. Conduct yearly internal audit and assist client in quality management.